by Admin | Jul 5, 2022 | older_projects
Project Location: Marquard, Free-State. Description: The project consisted of upgrading of the existing clean water pump station at Marquard Water Treatment Works. This entailed upgrading the pumps by supplying 2 new pump sets with a total pumping capacity of 95l/s....
by Admin | Jul 5, 2022 | older_projects
Project Location: Koppies/Kwakwatsi, Free-State. Description: The project consisted of doing an assessment of the Koppies/Kwakwatsi overall water supply system and compiling a water conservation and demand management strategy to improve the effective use and...
by Admin | Jul 5, 2022 | older_projects
Project Location: Koppies, Free-State. Description: The project consisted of the design of the stormwater master plan for Koppies / Kwakwatsi. Conclusion: The stormwater master plan was successfully completed and handed over to the client in July...