Project Location: Reitz, Free-State

Description: Grain Field Chickens (GFC) appointed FLAGG Consulting Engineers for the design of increasing the storage capacity of the existing dam at Stompkop Farm and all associated infrastructure. The existing dam had a capacity of 210 Ml. The directive from the client was to raise the dam top water level by 1.0m and subsequently increase the capacity of the dam to 462 ML. The purpose of the dam is for GFC to use the raw water from the dam for water supply to their chicken abattoir located in Reitz. Raw water is to be treated at the GFC abattoir for animal use.

The overall project included the following:

  • Design of increasing the storage capacity of Stompkop dam.
  • Design of a pump station and pipeline from Stompkop dam to GFC abattoir.
  • Design of a pump station at GFC abattoir to facilitate reverse pumping through the above line.
  • Design of a pump station from Liebenbergsvlei to GFC abattoir to supply raw water through the existing 14km pipeline.
  • Design of increasing the height of the existing low-level bridge affected by the raising Stompkop Dam.

FLAGG was appointed for the design of the above infrastructure including obtaining all the required statutory approvals for the project, including the approval from the Dam Safety Regulator (DSR).

Conclusion: GFC abattoir is heavily reliant on water daily for processing their products. The Lesotho Highlands Water Scheme (LHWS) announced that they would be shutting down the water supply from the LHWS for maintenance on 1 Oct 2024 for a period of 6 months.  The shutdown of the water supply from the LHWS, meant that GFC could potentially have been without water during this period, which would have been catastrophic for their business operations.  The project was successfully completed, and in the process, FLAGG was able to assist GFC to avoid a potential water crisis due to the implementation of this project.